Yarrow – Achillea Millefolium

Some of the common names for Yarrow – Angel Flower, Blood-wort, Herb of the seven cures, Nose bleed.

So since i have called my herbal practice after this plant i don’t need to tell you how much i love this plant. It always drew my attention even before i knew what it was & once i learnt about it & i am still learning from it i knew it would be part of my life for ever.

It is a wild plant here in Ireland , but can also be bought in garden centre’s. I was blessed when we moved into our home in the countryside i couldn’t believe my eyes when on either side of the lane up to the house Yarrow was blooming it was like it was waiting to welcome me home hence Yarrow Lane name came about.


Yarrow is ruled by the planet Venus & associated with the zodiac sign Libra. It was a favourite plant to use in love charms & for protection against disease & evil influences. It was widely used in love divination. In the north of Ireland a girl would gather nine sprigs of yarrow after sunset on May Eve, while repeating the following verse:

Good morrow, good morrow, fair yarrow; And thrice good morrow to thee; Come tell me before tomorrow, Who my true love shall be.

The Yarrow was then brought home & put into the right-foot stocking & placed under the pillow, where the girl would dream of her future husband, However if she had spoken between picking the yarrow & going to bed the spell was broken!!! A bit more effort than the current dating app search i think !!

In Ireland it was believed that yarrow was the first herb that Jesus took into his hand as a child , so to carry it brought luck & protected against the wile of enemies. Also in County Meath it was believed that going to a fair with yarrow in your pocket guaranteed that your cow would be sold & in Galway if you put the yarrow into the wool of the sheep that would ensure it sale.

Yarrow was often collected & hung in Irish houses on St John’s eve( June 23rd )to ward off illness & St John’s Eve was also believe to be the best day to pick yarrow for medicinal use. In China divining sticks are made from the stalks. It’s Latin name Achillea comes from Achilles the great warrior & Millefolium means thousand-leaved.

It is an excellent diaphoretic, yarrow is often used in teas to promote sweating thereby helping reduce fevers. It can be used both internally & externally to stop bleeding & it effective for relieving menstrual & stomach cramps. It is recommended for its beneficial effects on the heart & lungs.

For Bleeding

It is a great plant to have growing in your garden if you suffer from nose bleeds. Simply pick a few fresh leaves, rub them between your hands to bruise them, roll them in to nasal plug & insert into affected nostril & leave until bleeding stops , it wont take long promise.

For Women’s Health

Yarrow is an Emmenagogue herbs, which are herbs that stimulate & promote normal menstrual flow. They help to relieve menstrual cramps & bring on suppressed or delayed menstruation some other herbs that are also emmenagogues are Black Cohosh, Ginger Root, Motherwort & mugworth.

For the heart

Helps to lower blood pressure by dilating the peripheral blood vessels, it’s diaphoretic action also helps relieve pressure on the heart. It helps the circulatory system by moving stagnant blood , preventing & clearing blood clots. It is very usefully in treating blood blisters & haemorrhoids, it treating haemorrhoids you can take Yarrow tea or tincture internally & place a Yarrow poultice compress over the affected area.

For Fevers

By Relaxing the skin, yarrow will open the pores to allow copious sweating & the release of toxins. Taken as a tea or as a bath at the beginning of a fever or flu is an great way to reduce the body temperature & if combined with peppermint & elderflower in a tea will enhances the sweating/purifying/relaxing effects.

Harvesting Yarrow

Yarrow Leaves are evergreen so can be harvested fresh almost whenever they are needed. For use in tea it is best gathered while flowering & it is best not to pick it near a busy road. To dry hang whole stems in bunches, allow a month & once dry strip leaves & flowers off stems & crumble for use in tea.


Ointment for Haemorrhoids

10g Dried Yarrow

10g Dried Raspberry Leaf

10g Horse Chestnut leaf

100ml of Olive Oil

10g Beeswax

Put all in small Saucepan for 15 mins stir frequently, strain herbs & return oil to pan & add 10g beewax & stir till melted. Once Melted pour in to jar that can be left in the bathroom. Apply Ointment externally a couple of time a day as needed,this can also be used for bruises, varicose veins & thread veins.

Herbal hair infusion for Oily hair

1 part yarrow leaf & flower

1 part witch hazel bark

1 part Rosemary leaf

Put all in large jar & fill with boiling water, let cool & use a finally rinse.

Remember you can always contact me & i can make this up for you. laura@yarrowlane.ie

Some Cautions should be noted when using Yarrow. It has a Stimulation effect on uterine contractions, so is best avoided in pregnancy.

Green Blessing

Laura x

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