A-Z of Herbs

Agrimony – Agrimonia eupatoria

Parts used – Above grounds parts when in flower.

Found in meadows & roadsides.

Agrimony stops bleeding of all sorts & is used in trauma treatment. It helps to relieve pain is a wound herb as well as treating liver, digestive & urinary tract problems .

This is the herb for when you are feeling frazzled. The Bach flower essences is for people who soldier on , who say everything is fine when it is not, hiding inner turmoil behind a cheerful facade.

The Anglo Saxons applied it to heal warts, wounds & snake bites. In medieval France it was an ingredient in ‘arquebusade water’ which was administered to wounds inflicted by the arquebus or hand-gun. It is still used in France for bruises & sprains.

Actions – Astringent, Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, expectorant, digestive tonic, bitter, carminative, emmenagogue, vulnerary.


Is great for treating intermittent fever & chills, or alternating constipation & diarrhoea, as it helps the body to recover a working balance between the extremes & by releasing tension.As a wound herb, it rapidly stops bleeding & also relieves pain.


Agrimony has an affinity for the liver & digestive tract, working to co-ordinate their function. It protects the gut lining from irritation & inflammation. It can be used to relieve peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, leaky gut syndrome.

Respiratory System

Due to it antispasmodic properties it can be used to relieve asthma & irritating coughs & it antimicrobial actions are helpful for warding off & resolving infections such as colds, flu & bronchitis.

Urinary System

It is very helpful for any urinary tract illness, it helps helps to ease the pain of kidney stones, irritable bladder & cystitis & can be giving safely to children for bedwetting & anxiety about potty training & the elderly for incontinence. It aids the elimination of uric acid & so is helpful for gout & arthritis.

It is helpful today in alleviation of tonsillitis, thrush of the mouth , these are treated with a gargle of argimony tea, which is made of dried herb,leaves & stems. It can also be drank as a tea to help reach the deep infected areas & help prevent reinfection of the throat from below.

Tea Recipe

Cleansing Tea -This tea will strongly activate cleansing in your body and each day you use it your whole system is going to have a significant increase in how it flushes out its soluble wastes. So regularly rehydrate with water.

  • Agrimony- 1 Part
  • Cleaver – 1 Part
  • Juniper Berries – 2 Parts
  • Dandelion Leaf – 1 Part
  • Lemon Balm – 2 Parts

Magical uses

Powers- Protection, Sleep. Use in all protection sachets & spells, also to banish negative energies & spirits. It protects against goblins, evil & poison. Agrimony placed under the head will make one sleep as if dead, according to ancient lore. At one time agrimony was used to detect the presence of Witches. Other Herbs to to add to your protection spell – Angelica, Ash, Basil, Wood Betony, Burdock, Cedar, Gorse, Heather, Nettle & Wormwood.

Green Blessing -Laura x

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