Dandelion – Taraxacum Officinale
Parts used – Leaves , Roots.
Habitat – Lawns, Fields , roadsides , Paths
Actions– Root – Digestive, bitter tonic, hepatic, mild laxative, alterative. Leaf- Diuretic , Mild laxative, bitter tonic, cholagogue, anti inflammatory, anti -lithic.
A bitter digestive & liver tonic , dandelion enhances appetite & digestion. It increases the flow of digestive juices & aid absorption. It supports the liver as a major detoxifying organ & is recommended for liver & gall-bladder problems, hepatitis & problems associated with sluggish liver, including tiredness, irritability, headaches & skin problems.
Urinary System
Dandelion leaves are diuretic , which is useful for treating water retention, swollen ankles,high blood pressure, cellulite & urinary tract infection. It’s high potassium content replaces that lost through increased urination. It’s helps dissolve stones & gravel. It improves the elimination of uric acid , which will help with gout.
A detoxifying bitter tonic, it increases the elimination of toxins & waste through the liver & kidneys, cleansing the blood & clearing skin. It is good for spots, acne, boils & abscesses. Menopausal women with itchy, sensitive skin, light-headedness, hot eyes & mouth will find relief from dandelion root tincutre.
It is high in minerals, especially potassium & Vit A,B,C & D. It also a great source of folic acid, magnesium & calcium. The root is anti -inflammatory & can be use for arthritis. It may increase insulin secretion from the pancreas & helpful in diabetes.
Liver Tonic Tea
3 Parts Nettle Leaf
2 part Dandelion leaf
2 Parts Lemon balm
2 Parts Red Clover
1 Part Alfafa Leaf
Prepare as an infusion, use 4 tablespoons of herb mixture per 1 Litre of boiling water, steep for 10/15 mins. Drink 3/4 cups daily.
Dandelion Flower beer
Pick 100 dandelion flowers. Boil 2 litre of water with 100g light brown sugar until dissolved. Allow to cool until tepid , then pour over the dandelion flowers in a large container. Add a Lemon finely sliced
Cover the container with a clean cloth & set aside in a cool place for 3/4days, stirring occasionally. Strain & pour into tightly corked bottles. The beer will be ready to drink in just a few days.
Dandelion Coffee
It is made from the roots, which should be collected at the end of the year for this purpose. After cleaning ,they are oven-dried at the a low temperature for several hours, until they emit a pleasant roasted aroma.They are then ground to a fine powder.
Magical Uses
Powers– Divination, Wishes, Calling spirits Element – Air, Planet- Jupiter.
The root coffee is said to promote psychic powers.Dandelion, buried in the northwest corner of the house , brings favorable winds.
Green Blessing – Laura x