Echinacea – Echinacea angustifolia
Parts used: Roots, Leaves & flowers.
Actions– Alterative, antibiotic, diaphoretic, Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant , antimicrobial, decongestant, Anti- oxidant, antitumour, Vulnerary.
Echinacea is the prime remedy to help the body rid itself of microbial infections. Its is effective against both bacterial & viral attacks.
Echinacea has antibacterial, antifungal & antiviral actions, It is immune stimulating. It can used for overgrowth of unfriendly gut microorganisms including candida & can be used in post viral fatigue syndrome. It helps support immunity in cancer & after chemotherapy & radiotherapy. The anti-inflammatory effect of echinacea can be helpful in arthritis & gout, skin conditions & pelvic inflammatory disease. It has been traditionally been used for malaria & Typhus.
Respiratory System
It helps to ward off infections , it can be taken every two hours at the first signs of sore throats, colds, chest infections, tonsillitis & glandular fever. It is helpful for chronic respiratory tract infections & whooping cough in children.
As a blood cleanser for septic conditions, echinacea helps to resolve infections, boils & abscesses. It can be helpful in allergic skin problems such as urticaria & eczema.
Echinacea has a beneficial effect on the immune system, as well as a numbing effect on the throat. Add in the antiseptic properties of the cloves & sage & cooling effects of the peppermint & you’ll get instant relief every time you use spray.
3 Cloves
5 Peppermint Leaves , finely chopped
5 Sage leaves , finely chopped
30ml Echinacea tincture
Place all the above into a glass bowl. Cover & leave to stand for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. Strain the liquid from the herbs & put in a sterilized spray bottle. Use as often as needed & keeps for up to 1 year.
Echinacea is an immune stimulant assisting the body to resist infection more efficiently, it is anti-microbial & increases cellular resistance to virus.
Fever & Stress tea for Childhood ills.
2 part Catnip
2 parts elder flower
1 part echinacea root
1 part peppermint.
Mix all the above herbs & store in an airtight container. Use 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 1 cup of boiling water steep for 1 hour, strain & administer every 30mins.
Green Blessings Laura x