Hawthorn -Crataegus Monogyna

Parts used – Flowers, leaves, fruits

Actions- Antioxidant , hypotensive, circulatory stimulant, nutritive, sedative, antibacterial , astringent , digestive.


Heart disease- Hawthorn may help the heart in several ways; It may open the coronary arteries, improving the heart’s blood supply. It may increase the heart’s pumping force. It may eliminate some types of heart-rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). And some evidence suggest it may help limit the amount of cholesterol deposited on artery walls.

The berries, leaf & flowers can be used to treat angina , enlargement of the heart from overwork or excessive exercise, and heart damage from over-use of alcohol.

Hawthorn enhances the functioning of the heart & circulation during exercise, and taken in moderation can improve athletic performance.

It makes a good peripheral vasodilator for poor circulation, Raynaud’s & varicose veins.

It is important to state that heart disease is a life-threatening illness, and should be treated under the advice of a primary healthcare practitioner such as your GP.

Muculo-Skeletal System.

It benefits the joint linings, collagen, Ligaments & vertebral disc. It makes a good antioxidant for inflammatory connective tissue disorder & is helpful in arthritis, gout & tendonitis.

Mento- emotional.

Taking Hawthorn calms the spirit & gives good results in menopausal mood swings, restlessness & anxiety. Its relaxant effect is helpful in relieving anxiety & stress & can help to promote sleep/

Reproductive System

Hawthorn can be used to regulate blood flow & for ammenorrhoea. It promotes libido & fertility. During menopause it can be helpful for night sweats & hot flushes.

The modern tale of hawthorn begins with a DR Green in County Clare in late Victorian times. The Doctor had singular success in treating heart disease but refused to divulge the secret of his medicine. When he died in 1984 his daughter disclosed that he had been using a tincture of ripe hawthorn berries.


Pick me up Tea

2 Parts Hawthorn berry, leaf and or flower

2 Parts Nettle

1 Part Ginkgo

1 Part Licorice

1/4 Part Cinnamon

1/4 Part Ginger

Prepare as an infusion. Drink 2 to 3 Cups daily.

Bad Circulation & Chilblains Tea

3 Parts Prickly Ash bark or Berries

3 Parts Hawthorn Berries

1 Part Ginger

Prepare as an infusion. Drink 2 to 3 Cups daily.

Magical uses

Planet- Mars, Element is Fire. Powers are fertility, chastity, Fishing magic & Happiness.

Ritual Uses- Hawthorn was once used to decorate May poles. At one time hawthorns were believed to be witches who had transformed themselves into trees. Witches have long dances & performed their rites beneath the torn.

Hawthorn has long been used to increase fertility. Because of this power it is incorporated into weddings especially those performed in the spring. Carried in a sachet on a fishing trip hawthorn endures a good catch, and worn or carried it promotes happiness. In the past most Witch’s gardens contained at least one hawthorn hedge.

Cautions – Hawthorn may potentiate the effects of heart drugs including digoxin & beta blockers.

Green blessing Laura x

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