Hawthorn Cratagus Monogyna
This is the time of the Hawthorn flower and I love me some hawthorn.
You can use the flower, leaf and berries.
Some of it benefits –
Improves strength and contraction of heart muscle.
Improves blood supply to tissues and organs
Balances blood pressure
Alleviates congestion and pressure on the heart.
Improves circulation to the brain due to aging and stress
Alleviates fluid retention due to heart/kidney disease.
Yip you read all that right one amazing tree can do all that!!!
It can be taken as a tea, tincture the berries can be made into a syrup and jams.
A wonderful heart tonic is hawthorn, lavender, lemon balm as a tea or tincture or cordial.
Another wonderful tea blend to help improve circulation is
Linden – Moistens, relaxes, tones blood vessels and nerves
Hawthorn Flower -Nourishes heart, stabilizes circulation
Hawthorn berries – Nourishes heart, stabilizes circulation
Hibiscus Flower – For taste, cooling, Nutritive
Peppermint – Soothes digestion
So if you happen to live in Ireland you have seen this tree I promise you. We seem to be the land of the Hawthorns the fairy tree, may thorn, may bush, white thorn.
As I write this in my back garden on the top the hill and I look down the fields i have in my eye line at least 10 large hawthorns among the hedgerow (I feel very blessed).
A Hawthorn can live for up to 400 years. There is nearly always a hawthorn growing beside every stone circle in Ireland. Even today people (me included) consider it to be extreme ill fortune to cut them down.
Metaphysical it strengthens the heart and opens the passage ways to get love flowing.
What’s not to love about hawthorn?
Don’t forget if you would like me to make you up the above tea blend to start you on your hawthorn journey, just get in touch!