Herbs useful for Stress Reduction & Relaxation
Chamomile. Chamaemelum nobile. Parts used- Flowers. Medicinal properties derive form the volatile oil in the flower. Acts as a calmative, nervine, anti-spasmodic, carminative & diaphoretic. Mostly used as a tea for nervousness, digestive disorder & very safely used with children for teething, irritableness & colic.
Passionflower. Passifloria incarnata. Parts used- leaves & flowers. Beautiful blue/lavender flowers. Exceptional anti- anxiety herb used for nervous tension & insomnia with any know contra-indications. Has anti-spasmodic properties as well as being useful as an anodyne (relieves pain). Can reduce palpitations, reduce high blood pressure & may be helpful for diarrhea.
Catnip. Nepata cataria. Parts used – leaves & flowers. Another useful herb for children with colds. Useful in reducing fevers & to promote sleep. Acts as an excellent diaphoretic, carminative & as an analgesic, especially for headaches. Used as a nervine it helps to calm diarrhea & to restore the tone of the bowels. Can be used in a poultice to relieve pain.
Valerian. Valeriana officinalis. Parts used- root. A strong herb, Valerian is used as a sedative, carminative, analgesic & anti-spasmodic. It is often used at night for insomnia. It can lower blood pressure, ease palpitations & calm irritable bowel syndrome. Valerian can be a sedative for the agitated & a stimulant for the fatigues. Avoid in large dose & prolonged use.
Scullcap. Scutellaria Lateriflora. Parts used – aerial parts. It reduces anxiety & tension, & can be used for agitation, obsessive compulsive disorder & panic attacks, as well as insomnia. It enhances the production of endorphins, helping to lift depression, dispel tiredness & nervous exhaustion & promote sleep.
Lemon balm. Melissa Officinalis. Parts used- leaves. This delicious lemony herb is used to reduce tension, anxiety & agitation & is useful in dementia & insomnia. It also has restorative properties & can be used for tiredness, nervous exhaustion, poor memory & concertation. Lemon balm is mood elevation, it can ease exam nerves while promoting alertness & retention.
Lavender. Lavendula Spp. Parts used – Flowers. Its calms the mid & lifts the spirits & is excellent for anxiety, tension & irritability. It makes a good remedy for stress related symptoms including tension headaches, migraines, neuralgia, palpitation, agitation, even agitated behavior in severe dementia. It can enhance focus & concentration.