Equisetum arvense.
Habits – Roadside, gardens, waste ground, damp sands & soil at the margins of lakes & rivers.
Harvesting – Pick in early summer,  cutting several inches above the ground so it can ground back. For teas dry in quickly so that the plants don’t turn brown. When dry cut up in to short pieces.
Actions– Diuretic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, kidney tonic, nutritive.

To the Romans it was Hair of the earth.
Horsetail is one of the oldest of Plants & is a remedy for urinary system, cystitis , incontinence & prostate problems. it is a leading source of plant silica & so helps where this is deficient as shown by symptoms like brittle nails, thin hair & allergies. Externally it is good for Rheumatism, chilblains & skin problems & helps wounds, joints & sprains to heal.
Old names of horsetail include Pewterwort , shave grass & bottle brush, Which hint that it was useful to scour but not damage pewter & safely polish wood & glass & was sold on the street for London for that purpose. It is said that powdered horsetail ash mixed with water is still the best sliver cleaner.

The silica in horsetail is water-soluble so it can be readily transported around the body in a solution form, so taken as a tea or syrup it will reach your nails, hair & joints or you can use it externally as a hair rinse.
In certain cases it can be very helpful in rebuilding joints & other connective tissue , something that a massage therapist my find helpful!
It has the ability to increase bone density in post menopausal women with osteoporosis.

It can help to clear the kidney without exhausting them, so can be used in a tea for cystitis or other bladder issues & helpful with problems associated with prostate enlargement.
It can help stem the bleeding of wounds, nosebleeds & bleeding in the respiratory & urinary tract.

It is especially good when a person is allergic to all sorts of things rather than one or a few.
If the lining of the bladder is weakened by silica depletion , the connective tissue can become inflamed & irritated. Chronic Cystitis may result & no amount of antibiotic treatment will help because the tissues are innately susceptible.

Horsetail is also anti inflammatory & antiseptic so that is beneficial for old inflamed , degenerated wounds.

Some ways I found to use horsetail

Pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoons of dried plant & let infuse for 10-15 mins, this should be drunk 3 times a day.

Tea blends
High Calcium
This calcium rich tea is soothing & claiming to the nerves & most effective when used over a 3/4 month period.
1 part horsetail
1 part Nettle
1 part oats

Hernia Remedy Tea
4 Parts Comfrey leaf (Optional)
3 parts Raspberry
2 part lemon balm
2 part nettle
2 part white oak bark
1 part horsetail
1 part oat straw
Drink 3/4 cups daily

Skin tonic
A skin tonic will help revive tired, dull skin using 1 teaspoon of dried herbs in a cupful of boiling water, leave standing for 30mins strain & use , some herbs that are a helpful skin tonic – Horsetail, chamomile, nettles, sage, rosemary & yarrow.
For a tightening effect add the above horsetail infusion to an equal amount of cider vinegar & use.
Eyes Compress
Must be use fresh- A Horsetail infusion (made as above) helps to reduce swollen eyelids & redness. Soak some cotton pads in the cool infusion, squeeze lightly & rest on eyes for 10mins , replace once they become warm.
Foot wash
for Cracked dry skin on feet use a cup of infusion in your foot bath also helpful for athletes foot & sweaty feet.

Magical uses
Planet – Saturn
Element – Earth
Powers, Snake charming , Fertility.
Whistles made of the stems of horsetail , when played will call snakes to the musician & it also used in fertility mixtures & places in the bedroom for this purpose .

Some herbs it combines well with.
Urinary system – Marshmallow, shepherds Purse, yarrow
Connective tissue – Wild oats, St john wort
Menopause – Vitex, black cohosh,Angelica.
Respiratory conditions – Licorice

Remember to harvest only the small amount that you need.


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