PCOS -Poylcystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is a health condition linked with hormonal imbalances & insulin resistance, which can bring about a whole range of symptoms as listed below. It will affect up to 1 in 10 women.

Classic Signs that doctors look for are – Overweight, No periods or Irregular periods, Hirsutism (Facial & body dark hair) & Infertility.

Other know symptoms – Fatigue, Acne, Joint pain, hair loss, tender breasts, bloating, mood swings , difficulty in conceiving & depression. Symptoms may be diagnosed as PMS.

The cysts & other symptoms of PCOS develop as a result of a genetic disposition towards PCOS, handed down through the family as well as environmental factor,diet,lifestyle & stress.

The basic cause of PCOS is believed to involve an inability of the ovaries to produce hormones in the correct proportions. The Pituitary gland senses that the ovary is not working as it should & in turn releases abnormal amounts of luteinizing hormone & follicle stimulating hormone, which are linked to the ovary’s ability to develop & release an egg. It is when this ability to ovulate becomes disabled that infertility can occur in women with PCOS.

Cysts are a symptom not a cause. The cysts are string of small cysts on the outer edges of the ovaries.

You can have PCO which is the cysts without any symptoms & you can have PCOS which is the cysts with any of the below symptoms

If you can get symptoms & underlying problems sorted out the cysts will often disappear or reduce in numbers.

Getting a diagnosis

You will need to take trip to the doctors to get blood test & ultrasound scans done but to help your doctor diagnose your problem correctly you might consider doing the following.

  • Keep a symptom diary every day, noting down how you feel physically & emotionally.
  • Write down any question you have so you don’t forget to ask something you have been wondering about.

When your doctor is prescribing a particular medication

  • Ask what that medication will do inside your body to try & help you understand why it is important to take it as prescribed.
  • Push for choice. You don’t have to just accept the first prescribed or suggestion your doctor gives you. Ask if there are other options & of so could they be better for you & your lifestyle.
  • Ask about Drug free treatment. If you want to try & deal with your condition without drugs & the doctor ask you to loose weight ask if they can refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist for help.
  • Ask for information. If you find the explanation from your doctor difficult to understand ask if there are any leaflets to take away with you or if they can refer you to self help organization.
  • If your unhappy with they way your doctor has responded get a second opinion.

PCOS is linked with hormonal imbalances & insulin resistance.

How Lifestyle affects PCOS

Modern day diets. Food is less nutritious, While the calorific value of food may have stayed the same (or even increased for some foods where additional sugar has been added to improve taste) the nutrient vale has decreased. The use of chemical fertilizers rather than manure, compost & crop -rotation has led to a reduction in the soil mineral content of magnesium, manganese, zinc & cooper. Eating less nutritious food cannot be much benefit to someone who is well & healthy, let alone someone who may have PCOS. Vitamins & Minerals play many roles in the body, the formation of insulin requiring Vit B6 & zinc, while chromium improves insulin’s efficiency.

Pollution in our food & Environment

Insecticides, Pesticides, Industrial pollution like dioxins , Plastic components & food additives the E number & salt. These are all considered as anti-nutrients, Our bodies don’t want them & have to work hard to process & get rid of them. In order to process them the body uses up vital nutrients.


Body weight & body fat are two of the most important factors in determing the severity of symptoms experienced by a woman with PCOS. Not only does being overweight make you more likely to suffer , but having PCOS makes you more likely to put on weight , Thus is a vicious circle of events is formed that can seem impossible to break.

The leaner you become the less body fat you carry & the higher your SHBG ( Sex hormone binding globulin) gets. For women with PCOS this will reduce the effects of additional testosterone production & minimize symptoms such as acne & hirsutism.


Physical , Emotional & Dietary stress are the 3 main types of stress in today modern world. Whatever the stressor the body responds in the same way, by increasing the production of stress hormones Fight or Flight. Cortisol & adrenaline & when they are not used appropriately the cortisol will tend to drive the body to some of the symptoms listed above.

Complementary Therapies that can help.

A complementary practitioner treats the whole person as an individual, so will tailor-make a prescription after getting a detailed picture of the women’s whole health & looking at the ways in which a hormonal imbalance is displayed in that women. Trying over the counter remedies is no substitute for seeing a practitioner who can assess your own particular needs.


Women with PCOS have found acupuncture most helpful for kick starting non-existence period. It would seek to address Qi disharmony. Qi is the vital energy of the body which keeps it healthy & full of vitality.


Uses the aromatic essential oils from plants, flower, trees & fruits. Suitable oils are based on clients emotional & physical situation & the symptoms.The oils can be administered through the skin in a massage or by inhalation. Essential oil both help to regulate the hormonal imbalances of PCOS & to aid relaxation & release emotional stress. Some oils that might be helpful for hormonal balance – Geranium & rose For relaxation – Sandalwood, Neroli, Ylang ylang

If in Ireland i recommend Aromatherapist & Reflexologist Angela Doyle Below website.


Will build up a complex picture of a person health in the same way as other complementary therapists. This allows them to select the best constitutional remedies for the women. These remedies work at a deep level to try & encourage body & mind to shift from current negative patterns into more positive ones.

If in Ireland i recommend Antoinette Byrne, check out her facebook page.


Nutritional Therapy

Good nutrition is the mainstay of all good health, without it, sooner or later you will become unwell. A good nutritional therapist will offer an assessment of your current situation , design a management plan for change, monitor your progress over a set time frame & deal with any issues that may develop.

Medical Herbalism

Herbs are the most popular among women with PCOS with great results for it various symptoms. Each herbal treatment is unique. As with all the above therapist i take a full consultation that takes in all the women’ s health history & current symptoms. I will then make up a blend of herbal medicine to help combat those issues as they arise. Any question you may have or to set up a consultation you can contact me laura@yarrowlane.ie

Some herbs that are popular to use for PCOS are Vitex, Rhodiola, Nettle root, Saw Palmetto, White paeony, motherwort,Lemon balm, vervain just to name a few.

Discovering that you have PCOS can be a shock. It can also be a relief because you finally know why you have been feeling unwell. The next step is to do something about it get support from your doctor or a complementary therapist. Keeping a positive frame of mind will be key to this journey.

Using a combined approach of long term plan & more immediate symptoms-solving strategies will help you feel better. The better you feel the more empowered you will be on your health journey.

Green blessing


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